Monday, June 1, 2009

Dear Tooth Fairy...

Last night Abigail lost her 4th tooth. She kept it safely in a little tin to show my mom today when we gave her a lift home from work. While we were in her office, Abigail showed my mom's boss her tooth too and he "magically" presented her with a R2.00 coin.

Then at supper time she was very busy with a note to the tooth fairy.
She decided to give her R2.00 coin to the tooth fairy and stuck it onto the folded up letter and placed it next to her tooth next to her bed.

It says: "Dear tooth fairy. I whood like to giv you a R2 coin because you giv all the other children mony. Love from Abigail"
(Note the green item in the fairy's hand, it's a R10.00 note - a subtle hint to the fairy that she would like a R10.00 note please!!)

Alas, this tooth fairy only supplies R5.00 coins!

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