Saturday, February 28, 2009

I ride my little bicycle.

Today the girls took part in the Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Junior Tour and Tricycle tour.
All participants with the surname "Hutton" started out a bit grumpy!
But in the end they enjoyed themselves.

Actually, Niave was a bit under the weather and probably didn't enjoy it that much but it wasn't too bad. She took part in the 1,5km Tricycle tour on a black push-bike (we are still working on the pedalling!!) while I "jogged" alongside. Well, that is how it was supposed to be, in actual fact Niave ended up walking most of the way while I carried her bike!!

The only evidence I have of her having taken part is a photo with her number on her back and her certificate!! I didn't even get 1 picture of her on her bike!!
When Niave was finished with her "ride" she sat with my mom in the shade of the Coke truck while my dad and I went off to take pictures of Abigail's ride. She rode in the 5km Junior tour with her friend Kelsey and Kelsey's Dad, Quinton who was their co-pilot, I think next year they might be able to do it without an adult...but we'll see!
They were both hot and tired by the end but they were all smiles.

All this was while Grant was having a very trying time at Cavendish where the lifts were out of order! Making it very difficult for him to get around. But he did manage to come home bearing gifts from the book shop!! "The Best of Dr. Seuss" for Abigail and "I Love Trucks" for Niave!

Abigail decided to read Niave her bedtime story tonight... The Cat in the Hat!!
We couldn't get Niave to eat much today but she did fancy a bowl of butternut soup!!
She soon ditched the spoon for a much easier, more direct option!!

Lastly, this is my 100th post!! Happy centenary!!!

1 comment:

Taryn @ Hayes Happenings said...

Happy 100th Debbie!!! :) And congrats on the girls for such a fun ride. Next year tell us so we can join in!

Love T