Sunday, October 11, 2009

A morning at church.

This week has been Missions week at church. The church focuses on the various missionaries around the world and many of them do talks, interviews or presentations and there are interesting tables set up all around with lots of info and pictures about where they are and what they do.
At Kids Club on Friday they also had a missions theme with tables set up about different countries.

Leading up to today's service the Children's Choir have been practising a song that they sang today called "All Around the World".

We had to be at church an hour earlier than normal for the sound check so Niave got to indulge in her usual Sunday morning ritual called "Milk tart"! And it is a ritual - believe me!

Then she got to "wait patiently" (not!) for the choir to come on. She did better than I expected - with the waiting - not her best activity, although I did have a worrisome moment when Bishop Frank came to sit next to us!! I just thought "Niave, this is NOT the time to start your antics"!! At one point he asked me if she was mine and I felt like saying "can I answer later?"!!! But she was fine!!

While she was waiting she got stuck into some photography!

Well, the choir finally arrived: they sang very well, as always it was a goose bump occasion!

Abigail had been a little reluctant to go to some of the practices even though she had said she wanted to do it (I didn't force her - it was her choice but I did tell her that she needed to stick with her decision and see it through to the end) but this afternoon she said "I'm glad I did the singing"!
So am I!

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