(Niave fast asleep, upside-down on a chair in the lounge where she was watching the Bee Movie!!)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
We are going for her orientation on November the 4th where she will meet her teacher etc. so more on that in another post...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Eyes in the back of your .... back!
"It was a mistape (mistake), I wasn't looking where I was going, my eyes were looking at my bookshelf and my back was looking where I was going"!!
Priceless!! A very roundabout way of saying "I was walking backwards"!
I had to hide my smile - I was trying to be "cross" but her face was so funny, you could just see her brain ticking over double time!! In the end I just burst out laughing!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Farmyard fun.
The exhibitors included anything to do with farming so there was a wide range - my children were most interested in the animals! There were a lot of them:
(the ones in the top left hand corner are emu's - they lay black eggs)
And even bees and honey.
The children were allowed to milk a cow - but not a real one! They had these wooden cows with a "bucket udder" attached underneath filled with milk. They loved this - and they were rewarded with a box of fresh milk for all their hard work!
After some browsing they got to do what they'd been wanting to do since we arrived - hold baby animals!
Can you just see Abigail's delight? She is just like my sister when it comes to animals!
Niave was in her element!
Besides the animal-orientated stalls there were many food stalls and we discovered that we really like goats milk Gouda - really creamy and delicious.
You'd never have thought a cow-pat could be so exciting!!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Who let the cat out of the bag?!
Our Bonny is known for finding the strangest of places to curl up and have a snooze, being born in sock drawer must have made it's mark because she loves cupboards and drawers. This evening there was a bit of commotion and Abigail came running saying "come quick! Bonny's stuck in my Lego box"!! Of course she wasn't stuck and due to all the fuss had wriggled out before I could get there. A little while later I found her in Abigail's tog bag!!
It reminded me of this poem that I read at school, I'm sure you've read it before too, but it's just so true!
CATS - by Eleanor Farjean
Cats sleep
Any table,
Any chair,
Top of piano,
Window ledge,
In the middle,
On the edge,
Open drawer,
Empty shoe,
Anybody's lap will do.
Fitted in a cardboard box,
In the cupboard with your frocks -
They don't care!
Cats sleep
A morning at church.
Then she got to "wait patiently" (not!) for the choir to come on. She did better than I expected - with the waiting - not her best activity, although I did have a worrisome moment when Bishop Frank came to sit next to us!! I just thought "Niave, this is NOT the time to start your antics"!! At one point he asked me if she was mine and I felt like saying "can I answer later?"!!! But she was fine!!
While she was waiting she got stuck into some photography!
Well, the choir finally arrived: they sang very well, as always it was a goose bump occasion!
Abigail had been a little reluctant to go to some of the practices even though she had said she wanted to do it (I didn't force her - it was her choice but I did tell her that she needed to stick with her decision and see it through to the end) but this afternoon she said "I'm glad I did the singing"!
So am I!
Monday, October 5, 2009
My point exactly!
It is the kind of shop where you can find all sorts of interesting things but where you could very easily lose a child! I really do prefer going there by myself but that is not always possible.
Abigail, who is much more aware of "stranger danger" is paranoid about Niave getting lost in this shop. Niave having NO concept of "stranger danger"!
So after a tense time scouring the aisles for my wares we headed for the cashier. Only to find that my bank was, and had been offline the entire day.
So there I was in this bedlam of a shop with R250,00 glaring at me from the screen on the computer and my card won't work!!! In the meantime Niave is straying a little too far for Abigail's liking and Abigail is freaking out!
In my attempt to sort out the problem I had to reign Niave in so that Abigail could calm down, Niave could not get kidnapped and I could pay for my shopping. So I sat her down and gave a very stern talking to about how she was not going to move from that spot until I was finished and it was time to go. All this time she is looking at my face intently. When I had finished my list of all the things she shall not do she pointed to my furrowed forehead and asked "What are those stripes on your head, Mommy?"
My answer revealed much of my state of mind at the time: I said "They're called wrinkles and they're caused by you"!
She didn't move after that!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Gifts from Aunty Bev!
The parcel arrived a few days before her birthday and I was surprised to discover that it had been opened and resealed. On further inspection I discovered that it had been opened and items stolen, then resealed and set on the shelf for delivery!!! I was so shocked by that, I felt as if my house had been broken into. The present (the dress) which had been wrapped nicely by Bev was still there but the wrapping was ripped to shreds, the card torn open. I took it up with the Post Office who looked into it but couldn't come with anything helpful.
Two subsequent parcels just never arrived.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Ferndale, Little Streams and the Spur.
First we had some tea,
The grounds are really beautiful.
Ouma's birthday.
Our Ouma is very loved in this family. She is the first person the girls want to call when something happens. Abigail loses a tooth - Ouma must be the first to know. Niave can't get her own way - she wants to phone Ouma! Even last week when Niave was suffering with a terrible earache on 2 separate occasions, she was crying for Ouma.
She is the kind of Ouma that goes the extra mile and rarely says that something can't be done. She will think of a way. Often one of the girls will ask me to do or make something and I'll say "oh no, that just can't be done" but just let them spend an afternoon at Ouma's house and voila - it's done and made!! I remember when I was little she made a whole Monopoly game for me because my brother and sister wouldn't let me play (it's that whole younger sibling thing that I was talking about!). She wrote out every card and made all the money etc. etc. etc. I'm sure it was the last thing she felt like doing that evening but she did it anyway.