Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Green monster.

What do you get when you take 1 unsupervised toddler and add 2 jars of powder paint?

Let me assure you that the picture does not do justice to the actual brilliance of the green, nor to the extent of the affected area!

Well, this is how the story goes: Grant was helping me set up a new invoicing system and needed some input from me, Niave was happily watching a DVD and chomping on some watermelon. Half way through the computer work she came in to ask if she could have more watermelon.
I said she could certainly have some more, but then I said the dreaded forbidden word - wait - till I'm finished and I'll cut some for you.
Well, a few minutes later Abigail arrived at the office door with a look of absolute horror on her face.
I knew I had to come quickly!
There I found Niave up to her wrists in green powder paint. (I had left 2 new jars of paint on the kitchen counter to use at school tomorrow.)

Well, in case you ever have a need for this information, it is safe to say that blue paint does NOT vacuum out of a carpet very well.

Niave was by then deposited into a bath and Abigail and I were left scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing.

I suppose she probably now knows that blue and yellow make green (lets put it this way - she better!).
And considering what I had left on the other counter... could have been a LOT worse.

Niave was sent to bed at 5:30 (I did give her supper at least!) and is not to be heard from till tomorrow morning! If there is even so much as a murmur we will be heading back to the airport, this time to International Departures - Bev, since I don't know where she came from I'll be sending her to you!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And once again I am reminded why I love my wooden floors so much, inspite of the constant feel of dust/sand on your feet.

You poor thing. Just the way you needed to started the new year.