He sent us for x-rays to check that there was no crack in her zygoma which is the bone next to your eye socket.
Fortunately there wasn't a crack and her skull was entirely intact:-)
We did however need a Tetanus shot as I have not been very good at keeping up to date with my kids vaccinations and the last Tetanus injection she had was in January 2002!! Oh dear.
Well, the down side of not vaccinating your children regularly/properly is that they don't get used to injections.
Abigail gave an Oscar winning performance prior to the needle even touching her and then, when it was all over stated "that wasn't actually sore"!
The good news is she doesn't have to have one of those again until she is 12!
On Wednesday I was keen to get her back on the bike to make sure she wasn't going to be too frightened but since we spent most of the day either in waiting rooms or in the car, we didn't get a chance.
So, I was very pleased when she came home this afternoon after an outing with her aunt and said "I wanna ride my bike"!
All worry of fears allayed.
Here she is happily pedaling down the road!
And here, of course, is the item that probably would have lessened the blow had we put it on:-the helmet, which will now be worn at all times.
Unfortunately the ride was cut short by a sudden shower of rain but at least we've been back on the bike and had an incident free experience!
And all this time look how the mielies have grown!!!
Hey Abey,
Well done big girl for getting back on the bike.
I look forward to buying some mielies from you soon.
ow ow ow OWWW ow owwweee! That looks so sore. Well done Abs for braving the needle and the bike - hope your eye and face heals soon! Love us
What are you complaining about? You have some comments!! Everytime I go on your site, people have been there before me! Ah!
Well I have to agree with "craig, taryn and our blessings" and say that it looks so so SO very sore...
... Much love and smiles...
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