Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rock pools.

Earlier this week when I walked into the foyer at school I noticed that the grade 2's had a display of a writing exercise they had done about their outing to the rock pools. I looked at all of them to find Abigail's but I could not see it. They also drew beautiful pastel drawings about the outing which were on display outside the classroom, there too I looked for Abigail's but couldn't find it! A couple of days later I asked Abigail where her picture and write-up were and she took me to the board in the main foyer where I found her picture placed in the middle of all the write-ups! And her piece of writing right beside it!

It says:
19 March Abigail
In the rock pool.

I live in a rock pool.
I am a little fish. I eat seaweed. I love to bath in the rock pools.
I don't like it when the tide goes out, because I can't breathe because I need water.
She looked very chuffed that her picture had been chosen and it is just one of the small ways in which her teacher is trying to encourage her and help boost her confidence.

1 comment:

Taryn @ Hayes Happenings said...

well done Abby! Love the picture and writing piece - so very well done! Good going! :)