Because she needed about 4 fillings we decided to do them under general anaesthetic.
And today was the day.
It was an early wake up (especially for a rainy Saturday) as we had to be there at 7 a.m.
Neither of our children have ever had an operation/procedure that required anaesthetic or hospital admission before so it was a new experience for all of us. It was also at a new medical center in Rondebosch that we'd never been to before so it was a maiden voyage in many ways!
She was quite happy and co-operative for most of the time leading up to the theatre. She let them take her temperature, blood pressure etc. quite happily. Fortunately we didn't have to wait too long so there wasn't time for her to get bored or too anxious.
There was time to watch some T.V. though!!One parent is allowed to accompany them to theatre, that honour was bestowed on me!
Only once she was on the theatre table and had a gas mask over her face did she kick up a fuss - and who could blame her really! Anyway, a few seconds later she was asleep.
When she came out however it was a slightly different story.
I had gone to buy coffee and taken longer than I expected so I returned to a screaming child in her dads arms, disorientated and very unhappy. She was thrashing around and in the process knocked my camera off the table, and guess what it does not bounce! It is dead.
It took a little while but before long we were ready to go. Fortunately, as it was just fillings there was no pain. There were 2 other little girls there about 4 and 6 who had their tonsils out. I felt for them, they were spewing blood and were not happy campers at all. I remember it oh so well.
Anyway, we were so proud of her, she coped really well and once again showed us that she is growing up and developing more and more self control.