Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Getting to the point.

Niave has a bit of separation anxiety in the mornings when I take her to school. Simply, that means she screams when I say goodbye and walk away. Now I know from experience that it doesn't last long and she is not unhappy the whole day or probably even a whole minute but never-the-less it is still rather distressing to leave your child crying and screaming "mooommmy" and it's not a nice way to start the day.
Today she was more upset than usual so when I fetched her at home time we had a little chat.

I said: "How was your day?"
She said: "Fine."
I said: "So was it necessary to scream and cry this morning?"
She said: "No, but I just don't want you to go"
I said: "But my 2 year olds that come to my school don't cry when their mommies leave, and they're only 2"
She said: "Yes, but the point is they're not me"!!!

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