Sunday, November 25, 2012

Niave's last preschool Sports Day.

About a month ago Niave took part in her 3rd and final Barkly House Sports Day. Another opportunity for me to see just how much she has grown and matured in that time.
Below you will see 3 photo's, 1 from each year, as you will notice there is a vast difference between the one on the left and the one on the right!!

In her first year she had to be literally dragged around the field, moping all the way, whereas this year she went around unassisted and loving it!

The Older Group's race is a water race, they have to fill up a cup with water and then run to a bucket and pour it in! After watching the older children do it 2 years in a row, she couldn't wait to do it herself!

Next year she gets to be a small fish in a big pond again, but fortunately a pond with which she is very familiar!

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