Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Earlier this month Grant took part in another dancing competition, the girls had never watched him compete before and we joined him 1 Saturday afternoon in Khayalitsha to watch him in action! It's always a very long affair so we didn't stay for the whole thing, just long enough to see Daddy and some of the other Chaeli dancers:

And as usual my batteries went flat mid-way through the event!!

Niave entered the Chaeli Campaign Art and Poetry competition again with this painting:
She didn't win anything this year!

We took part in a fun run/walk organised by the SACS Old Boys Union which took place on the most beautiful Sunday morning, we did the 2km walk version around the school grounds while the fitter people enjoyed and 8km run up into Newlands forest.

June brought with it rain - of the torrential kind! After 1 day of 8 hours solid driving rain we donned our boots and hats and went to explore the puddles in the park which could have been mistaken for a lake!!

What I love about winter n Cape Town is that while we have days like today when it is stormy and cold, we also have wonderful sunshiny days which are warm and windless, these pictures taken at Kirstenbosch were taken on one such Sunday, it would be perfect if the days were a little bit longer!!

June also brought Chicken pox for Niave, but she weathered it very well with nothing more than a few spots and no other symptoms to speak of.

As June draws to a close we are getting ready to go on our first family holiday/trip in more than 4 years!! 
Very excited we are!!

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