Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Back to school.

This week was back to school, Abigail on Monday, Niave on Tuesday and me today.

Abigail was super excited to be going to grade 3 but also a little nervous. She is at school for an extra hour each day now which makes it a long day when you add on extra-murals but she will adjust soon enough. It was very sweet to see all the friends reuniting after the holidays, everyone seemed very happy and keen to be back. Even the new grade one's were happy, apparently not a tear was shed - by the children, can't say the same for the parents!!!

They have much bigger desks and chairs compared with grade 1 and 2!

Niave was also happy to be starting and is enjoying her new teacher and classroom. They have a staggered intake so the class is still quite small with new little ones starting every day.
So no hitches or major upsets and the 2011 school year is off to a good start - Hooray!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Niave is looking so grown-up - and happy!!!
What a relief when first days go well.... :)