Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The first fire.

Although we have a fireplace in our house we don't often use it. I love a fire but the p.t. involved in getting it going and then cleaning it out the next day are sometimes too daunting! And Grant is not fond of the "fire smell" in the house for the next few days so it has to be really cold. I mean really, REALLY cold.

And it was.

A couple of weeks ago a strong wind blew a rather large tree over in the park just near to our house. It also blew my washing over but the tree was more impressive!

Anyway, last week when the rain stopped we ventured into the park to look at the half chopped up tree and to find puddles, there weren't any puddles but there were a lot of pine cones due to the tree that now had it's pine cone laden branches sprawled all over the grass. So we collected some, the driest ones we could find and went home to to light a fire - the first fire of winter.

It took some persuading and the help of a skilled fire maker aka Grant and we enjoyed a warm evening.

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