Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pedal Power - for your hands!

Grant recently acquired a bicycle, actually it's a tricycle and it's a hand cycle - obviously!
It's been here for a good few weeks but needed some tuning up and adapting and while it is still a work in progress he has taken it out a few times.

He has been for a couple of rides around Plumstead and he went on one longish ride to the gym and back (about 12km) and copes pretty well with the hills and bridges along the way.

Today he decided to cycle to his friend Alan's house in Tokai, (if you live in or know Cape Town you will have an idea of the distance) not too far but the furthest he's been so far.
However, he planned to spend the day there so he needed to have his wheelchair as he couldn't stay in the bike all day and he can't get around without his chair - SO, he hatched a plan to attach his wheelchair behind his bike and tow it along! Sound crazy? Yes, it is crazy. But he was determined and it worked!!It was quite a sight - in fact he said that he didn't have anybody getting upset or impatient with him on the road but he did have a few people clapping for him as he went past!!
Because of the length and design of the bike it has a 6 metre turning circle - without the wheelchair in tow so there is no U-turning, if you take the wrong road you just have to keep going forward!!!

When he left, at lunchtime he went the long way round to avoid the 2-days-before-Christmas traffic but came back along the Main rd which was easier and shorter.

Argus Cycle Tour here we come!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa Debbie!!!! I am so impressed!!!! I read the next post before this one and was wondering "what does she mean by cycling??!!"
I can't believe it, Grant is so brave!!! You gave me the goose bump as I read this. Give him a high five from me and tell him he puts me to shame!!! :)